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Nutrition: Eating Healthy 101

When deciding to live a healthy lifestyle, most people don’t know where to start; they reduce fast food consumption which is great; they sometimes eat smaller portions of what they are used to cooking, which is not always the best idea since their normal diet is often high in fat and low in healthy nutrients; so although calories intake decreases and weight sheds, ingesting smaller portions of junk food leads to subsequent fall of energy, which can cause dizziness and low blood pressure for instance.

The thought that one must eat five fruits and veggies daily is always tucked somewhere in the mind of the person who wants to be healthier. The main issue arises when they realize they don’t know how to make veggies tasty enough to stick to this healthy diet. Eating is supposed to be enjoyable after all, so it is easy to give up on a healthy diet if the pleasure of eating is taken away. And even then, there is so much more to a healthy diet than consuming fruits and veggies, that it can be overwhelming. Here is a breakdown of what a healthy diet is made of.

A healthy diet should include the following:

Protein: Found in fish, meat, poultry, dairy products, eggs, nuts and beans.

Carbohydrates: Carbs, as they are usually called comprise two types of nutrients: fibers and sugar and can be found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and other legumes.

Fat: Found in animal and dairy products, nuts and oils.

Minerals: Calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc. Found in meat, fish, eggs, beans, baked potatoes, dried fruits, leafy greens, whole and enriched grains.

Water: From drinking water, tea, or from fruits and vegetables.

Typical Healthy Recipes:

The above list might look like a lot of information to take in, but it’s not. Typically, this is what healthy recipes look like:

Half of your plate must be filled with fruits and veggies, and the other half must be split between whole grains (quinoa, rice, or pasta) and lean protein (skinless chicken, fish, sellfish, tofu or other soy foods, ground beef, pork loin, eggs, lentils, or other beans).