
7 Supplements To Stimulate Your Brain & 3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Taking Them

Have you ever wished you could accomplish more throughout the day? Have you ever caught yourself wishing you could increase your memory retention skills, or that you were able to learn complicated things faster? My reads on health and productivity somehow intertwined and lead me to these seven supplements you can take to stimulate your brain, as advised by Author and Neurologist Dr David Perlmutter, in his book Grain Brain. Before diving into these supplements, I want to share seven reasons why you should take this seriously and start taking care of your brain.

  1. The brain is like a muscle. You can enhance its abilities with a healthy diet, regular physical activity, a good sleep hygiene and by continuously stimulating it by learning new things and reading, for instance; or you can let it atrophy by consuming unhealthy food, being sedentary, poor sleeping habits and by never using it. Yes, your brain can get smaller and neuron performance, much like any other muscle in your body, can decrease if not solicited over time.
  2. Ain’t nobody got time for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson (among others), which are exponentially promoted by an unhealthy diet, a diet that is high in carbs and unhealthy fats, poor in protein and healthy fats and that doesn’t provide all the nutrients the brain needs to function correctly.
  3. You want to increase cognitive skills such as your concentration, memory retention, attention, verbal fluency, learning skills, which is possible when your organism produces new neurons and connection between neurons is made. Neuron proliferation and connection is promoted by certain nutrients that you can take as supplements.

So which supplements are going to help you protect your brain and help increase its abilities? Keep reading to find out!

  1. DHA

    DHA is an essential  component of the brain and of neuron membranes.  It contributes to proliferation and good functioning of brain cells, reduces inflammation and acts against the harmful effects of a diet that is rich in sugar. Docosahexaenoic acid is the king of all supplements: it represents over 90% of the brain’s total omega-3 acid content. The richest natural source of DHA is maternal milk, which explains why breastfeeding is presented as an essential element in protecting the baby’s central nervous system and the development of their cognitive abilities. other natural sources of DHA include cod-liver oil, salmon oil, avocados and linseed oil. The benefits are identical whether you purchase DHA supplements derived from fish oil or seaweed. Scientist have found that those who consume more than two portions of fish per week were 59% less likely to develop Alzheimer.
  2. Resveraterol

    The health benefits of drinking a glass of wine is widely known. What you may not know is why. Resveraterol is a natural component of grapes is an antioxidant that slows aging, stimulates blood afflux to the brain and protects the heart, but also because it inhibits proliferation of fatty cells. However, a glass of wine doesn’t provide sufficient resveraterol intake, that’s why you should turn to supplements.
  3. Turmeric

    It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Curcumin, the pigment that gives turmeric its yellow color, has the power to activate certain genes in a way that produces a profusion of antioxidants. Moreover, curcumin increases glucose metabolism. These two properties decrease the risk of of developing brain diseases. Unless you consume turmeric  everyday, your daily curcumin intake may be inferior to your needs.
  4. Probiotics

    Probiotics are living microorganisms that feed the gut flora. Consuming foods that are rich in probiotics can have a great impact not only on the brain, but also in increasing stress, anxiety and depression management capacity. Gut flora is made of billions of “good bacterias”  that live in the intestines, are fed by probiotics and actively participate in digestion. These good bacterias play a crucial role in production, absorption and transport of neurochemical substances like serotonin, dopamine and nervous growth factor, which are vital for the nervous system to function normally. In other words, the brain receives information on what’s going on in the intestines while the nervous system sends back signals to the intestine in order for them to function correctly. In his book Grain Brain, the Author advises to opt for probiotics in the form of supplements containing lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidus and billions of other active bacterias in capsules.
  5. Coconut Oil

    Coconut oil helps prevent and treat cerebral disorders or neurodegenerative diseases. This oil is a fantastic source of energy for the brain and helps reduce inflammation.
  6. Alpha Lipoic Acid

    This acid is found in every cell of our body, where the necessary energy for our organism to function correctly is produced. It acts as a powerful antioxidant for the brain.
  7. Vitamin D

    Vitamin D receptors are present in all the central nervous system. Vitamin D contributes regulating enzymes in the brain, that participate in neurotransmitters production and nervous growth stimulation. Additionally, Vitamin D protects the brain against the harmful effects of free radicals and decreases inflammation. Studies have found that low levels of Vitamin D may lead depression and chronique fatigue.
